あおい葵 发表于 2011-9-14 14:30:17

49.99刀!! 使命召唤精英服务到底值不值?


20 pieces of DLC released over nine months20个DLCPrized eventsPrized operationsPrized tactical operations with in-game playlist and modesPrized clan operationsOfficial leagues官方联赛Level up your clan through clan operationsUnlock clan level benefitsUnique in-game gold clan tagExclusive in-game clan player cards and emblemsAccess to all in-game clan title cardsAccess to all in-game clan emblemsAccess hours of pro video guides for every weapon and mapProfessional tactics and helpShare expert community playbooks and strategies fro every map and modeJoin premium groupsEarly access to test new Elite featuresEight times more HD video capacity for video uploadsFour times more user storage for match replays and two times greater video export lengthAccess to Elite TV - episodic video entertainment made by top talent


Exclusive founder weapon camo元老独占武器迷彩Founder clan XP boost   Exclusive founder in-game player card元老独占名片Exclusive founder in-game emblem元老独占图标Founder private groupExclusive founder Call of Duty Elite profile skin元老独占精英皮肤Exclusive competitions and prizes


原文:Call of Duty Elite premium features list
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查看完整版本: 49.99刀!! 使命召唤精英服务到底值不值?