klaus 发表于 2018-1-23 10:43:47


本帖最后由 klaus 于 2020-9-12 10:01 编辑

The level of difficulty varies significantly between the three versions, with the Japanese version being the hardest and the American version being the easiest.

[*] The USA version is by far the easiest version of the game with armor found in every two chests, bosses have fewer hit points, and it provides multiple checkpoints per stage. In comparison to the Japanese version, which only provides one checkpoint per stage. (The stage map still reflects the original checkpoint system.) This altered checkpoint system can either be a blessing or a curse as it even let you restart at boss encounters. This means that you are not able to build up your character if you die, and if you happen to reach Ohme on stage 4 with a sword you are not able to progress any further as that boss require that you have a long range weapon.美版是所有版本中最简单的版本(对普通玩家来说还是很难...),每两个宝箱里都有一套盔甲,Boss的生命值更少,每一关提供多个checkpoint(小存档点,死了从这里开始),而日版每一关只提供一个checkpoint。

[*] The international version (World) has the same checkpoint and treasure chest system as the Japanese version but enemies are less aggressive in their patterns and movement speed. (The enemy respawn rate may differ as well.)国际版(世界版)和日版有相同的关卡和宝箱,但敌人不如日版活跃。

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查看完整版本: 街机《大魔界村》日版、美版、世界版的区别