标题: 《ModNation Racers 2》?United Front Games 正在为PS3开发一款AAA级游戏! [打印本页] 作者: ps3有什么好玩 时间: 2012-1-29 21:24 标题: 《ModNation Racers 2》?United Front Games 正在为PS3开发一款AAA级游戏! http://www.linkedin.com/in/lucasgranito
Lucas Granito 来自United Front Games 的制图工程师。他的简历引发了这条传闻。[blockquote]Lucas Granito's Summary
Have worked in the Computer Graphics industry since 1999.
Unannounced Sony PS3 title (2012)
True Crime: Hong Kong (working title) (201?)
ModNation Racers (2010)
Need For Speed : Pro Street (2007)
Need For Speed : Carbon (2006)[/blockquote]
虽然True Crime: Hong Kong的201?已经很吸引人乐 ,但 Unannounced Sony PS3 title (2012)显示到一款PS3独占游戏目前预计能在2012年发售
同时United Front Games的官网 关于一款triple-A rated PS3游戏的“引擎程序员“职位招募也确实证明了有新作在开发。 http://www.unitedfrontgames.com/ ... /engine-programmer/[blockquote]The ideal candidate will be responsible for supporting the game engine through optimization and bug fixing. Candidates will work with existing systems and see the completion of a triple-A rated PS3 game. Level: Intermediate/Senior[/blockquote]