
标题: IL DIVO美声绅士Amazing Grace奇异恩典 [打印本页]

作者: 外星人事务所    时间: 2012-3-11 10:33
标题: IL DIVO美声绅士Amazing Grace奇异恩典

amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me

奇异恩典, 何等甘甜 我等罪人,竟蒙赦免。

i once was lost, but now i'm found ,was blind, but now i see

昔我迷失,今被寻见 昔曾迷茫 重又得见。

'twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved

如此恩典 使我敬畏 使我心得以安慰

how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed

初信之时 即蒙恩惠 真是何等宝贵

through many dangers, toils, and snares i have already come


'tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home


When we've been here ten thousand years

将来禧年 圣徒欢聚

Bright shining as the sun.


we've no less days to sing God's praise

喜乐颂赞 在父座前

Than when we've first begun.


Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

奇异恩典, 何等甘甜

That saved a wretch like me.


I once was lost but now am found,


Was blind, but now I see.

昔曾迷茫 重又得见。


IL Divo由来自美国的男高音David Miller、来自法国的流行歌手Sebastien Izambard、来自瑞士的男高音Urs Buhler和来自西班牙的男中音Carlos Marinthe这四位不同国籍的帅哥组成,由“偶像大王”西蒙·康威尔(Simon Cowell)一手着力打造。经过IL Divo四位成员美妙和声的重新演绎,一些大家耳熟能详的流行旋律总能焕发出不一样的光彩。

"Amazing grace"其实是一首比较经典的老歌了,只是在他们08年的新专辑中用他们的方式翻唱出来,却是很好听,优雅,悠远,深邃,尤其是中间插入的风笛让人惊艳。

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