作者: 健→西部战将 时间: 2007-11-6 17:14
顶上,呵呵.作者: ey120 时间: 2007-11-26 23:28
我几吧都是N年么打游戏机了啊!作者: 双神传说 时间: 2007-12-3 21:13
双神传说作者: 林→西部风云 时间: 2007-12-30 00:48
郁闷 三石(石磊)不是不入队么 做什么把我的策划给站了 [s:60] [s:60] [s:60]
快修改啊 斑竹!(版主我怕他看不懂!!)
本人小林(你该知道的!)好伤心呀``` [s:47] [s:47] [s:47] [s:47]作者: 双神传说 时间: 2007-12-30 08:50 作者: 双神传说 时间: 2008-2-20 10:45 作者: 双神传说 时间: 2008-2-20 10:49 作者: fghi301 时间: 2008-6-1 14:47 标题: wow gold desite For nearly seven thousand wow gold, the high elves cultivated a shining magical kingdom deep within the forests of northern Lordaeron. But five years ago, the undead Scourge invaded Quel'Thalas and drove the elves to the brink of extinction. Led by the evil death knight Arthas, the Scourge destroyed the mystical Sunwell, thereby severing the elves from the source of their arcane power. Though the scars of that conflict are evident, the remaining elves have banded together and retaken much of their homeland. Calling wow gold themselves "blood elves", these grim survivors are committed to regaining the vast powers they once commanded. Inspired by the leadership of their beloved prince, Kael'thas Sunstrider, the blood elves now seek out new sources of arcane magic and the means of defending their land against the undying horrors of the Scourge.