
标题: 例行剧透Vol.620 [打印本页]

作者: ThanatosYe    时间: 2011-3-8 22:38
标题: 例行剧透Vol.620
本周继续拖剧情,在双方都忙碌的准备中,Project D的彻夜练习结束了,之后拓海和启介聊了些即将面对的对手,聊了Project D,并相互感谢对方的支持和鼓励……用这种口气但愿不是要结束了吧……

Vol.620 "heavy air (last part)"


のテ一タか増えていくこの状況を、とう切り抜けるのか!? it said something like "Takumi could he survive to this situation about data war"
couldn't see clearly all kanji
R?Tカタギリのリーダー皆川の言うように…Minagawa  as the leader of R · T Katagiri said ...
同時に、コースの特性に合わせたクルマのアジャストを決めるための作業を行う。チーム全体で総力をあげてこれをフォローするPractice this evening, there is special weight. Seen from the side of project D, the total earnings should be called a battle of long-standing campaign activity.
Drivers within a given period of time, elaborated a strategy in detail for the first time running the course. At the same time, they worked to determine the adjustment of the car to match the characteristics of the course. This is followed in full scale in the whole team.




涼介がうらやましいぜ Ryosuke is enviable
そして、これを迎え撃つサイドワインダーの側からしてみれば、ホームでのプラクティスは正念場である。プロジェクトDのダブルエースのポテンシャルを戦う前から正確に把握することができれば、圧倒的に有利な状況を作り出して戦いに臨むことができる。十分な時間をかけて準備してきたクルマに、不安材料を発見すれば、その対策をほどこすためのラストチャンスでもある。And the practice at the home is a crucial moment also even on the side of the sidewinder. It can face the fight by overwhelmingly producing an advantageous situation if the potential of a double ace of project D can be understood accurately before it fights. In the car that has been prepared putting the adequate time, if the matter of concern is discovered, it is a last chance to give the measures.
はりつめた空気をふるわせてプロジェクトDのダブルエースがアクセルをふみこんでいく。ハイグリップのタイヤがアスファルトをけとばし、放出される摩擦熱は熱き魂の放熱なのだ。鍛え抜かれた技とマシンが、重く沈んだ大気を切り裂いて走る。その彷徨は、箱根の峰々にこだまする。I shake tense air, and a double ace of project D steps on  accelerator. The tire of the high grip kicks asphalt, and the discharged frictional heat is heat radiation of a hot soul. The hard-bitten skill and machine cut the atmosphere which sank heavily and run. The wandering echoes through peaks of Hakone.
両陣営にとって、この1日目がいかに重要であるかを…それぞれがいたいほどに自覚しているのだ。For both sides, or the importance of this one day ... I want to be conscious enough to each other.


東の海がしらみはじめ…長くて短い夜が明けようとしていたNew day is going to break


プロジェクトDの最後のプラクティスが今、終わるThe last practice of project D ends now.



こうしてこのデッキから富士山見るのも…今日が最後ってことか…So the sight of Mt Fuji from the deck ... what you mean today is the last ...
そうっすね That's right
なんか今でもこの状況が信じらんないな。プロジェクトDのメンバーでいつことが、不思議ですよ…This situation still can not believe it.. when  project D is still mysterious  thing
does W ace talks about D of projec D meaning ?
keisuke seems gratefull to Takumi when he was shocked by Akina 86 ghost.
そうでしたねIt was so


おまえ…絶対に負けんなよDo not lose ... you never
今回のおまえの相手…やばそうなムードがビンビンだぜ…。姿を見せないけど、オレの走り屋としてのカンは当たる。たぶん幽霊みたいな奴だ…The mood that your opponent (shinn) ... this time seems to be dangerous…. Though I don't turn up, the perception as my run person proves right. Probably this boy ...is like a ghost


オレのカンではおまえ、めっちゃ苦戦するYou will have a hard fight by my perception
マジでーえ?Eh really?
けど、おまえが負けるとは思わない。なぜなら、おまえも昔は幽霊だったからさ…。今は足がある。だからおまえは負けないよ…I do not think that you will lose. Because you were a ghost in old times. Therefore, you are undefeated ….


啓介さん…ありがとうKeisuke-san... thanks
Keisuke thanks Takumi cause he was the one who has great impact on Keisuke evolution  as driver and partner. Takumi thanks Keisuke because he was the one that inited him to join project D. Takumi said is also grateful to Ryosuke.

next:Vol.621  "rest"

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作者: ThanatosYe    时间: 2011-3-8 22:39
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- -魂淡! 都不知道多少年了 没见到文太的戏份了!!
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作者: solidus_008    时间: 2011-3-9 10:19
作者: 街道童子SEI    时间: 2011-3-9 12:47
作者: foxy424    时间: 2011-3-11 17:24

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