NSX VS.FD3S ふたつの個性が鎬を削る―――!NSX VS.FD3S two personality competes fiercely!
元はといえば心根素直な男。それが悪女(香織女史のことね)にはまり、己の人生を狂わせ…。その行い(アニキへの狼藉)は許し難いけれど、もともとの性根に免じて、弟の晴れ姿を一目見せてやろう Rin Rin thinks he is unforgivable for kaorie stuff ad takeshi/hojo family sadness. He wants to see his brother shining like in the past.
NSXのスピードには、かなりとまどうだろうな I'm considerably puzzled by the speed of NSX
どれほどレスポンスを重視したツインターボでもホンダのNAにはかなわないよ…。それはもう圧倒的だ。わたしが一番よく知っているEven as for the twin turbo which attached great importance to a response, a trap is in NA of Honda; ... It is already overwhelming. I know it best
この難局をどうのりこえるか、実に興味深い…。プロジェクトDの公道最速理論が… How do get over this critical situation...really interesting .. The public road fastest theory of project D is ...