反应慢应该是练少了。这个最好是针对性的练习。比如你可以让CPU跳入,你来升。最好是找个朋友,让他不规则的跳。其实很多时候,你别高手反应很快,那都是有预判的成分在里面的。就像我看的一个视频里(好像是Daigo对filipinochamp),老美解说认为DAIGO之所以反应这么快,是part of reaction, part of prediction,一半靠反应,一般考预判。你跟人玩的时候,不能光靠眼睛盯着,看人什么时候跳。心里要随着预想着,估摸着他可能要跳了,随时这么提醒下自己,等他跳来的时候,你就发现自己反应更快了。作者: 剑寒@u 时间: 2012-5-24 08:57
Hi lz,
I've played sf4ae since it released in pc, I did not seriously play any 2D fig game .... I enjoy 3D fig game VF much more.
but I find something in common Read the frame table and watch replays from Pro players, also learn new idea from 2D (sf4ae/2012) like the hitboxs and how to keep the distances between your character and your rival .
Did you refer the frame tables (also the hitboxs/hurtboxs) when you are watching replays from yourself and those pros player's?
each characters have 6 buttons but the frequency of being used are different according to their startup time and active peroid and........... really better read all characters frame table when you watching your losing replays...........
don't jump in carelessly even you think your opponent is a newbie or using characters without equiped 623p/k anti-air moves...........
I find a table about the speed, distance, height of the characters's jumping