啊 。果然还是假消息啊。。。。。。。。真悲剧 今天早上的日站说是欧洲机房。。。。。。我还纳闷 |
本帖最后由 karlak 于 2010-12-31 14:23 编辑 的确是假的,详情见下: Q: I heard a rumor that SSF4 AE will have a DLC release in June. Is that true or is the company planning to do something about it earlier? Svensson: Sorry mate. I've got nothing "official" to contribute on the topic of Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. Officially, the content has only been announced for arcade. Anything beyond that, as you've pointed out, is rumors and speculation. |
补充一下,还说6月更新的版本是有“时间更新”的,就是会有不定的新的东西更新 |
不是什么欧洲的啦,就是纽约china town fair的Henry Cen说的...他说6月11号DLC。20刀是众人猜的...不过CAPCOM有人出面说话了,没说是真的还是假的,只说那是谣言 |
虽然希望增加DLC下载,但6月也太久了……不给力啊…… |
不是说家用机不会跟街机保持同步吗。 到时候如果DLC应该会有加入新的内容吧。 |
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