签到天数: 1 天 [LV.1]初来乍到

- 积分
- 1516
http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... bonus-months-offer/
从PSN+服务开展至今 已经整整1年过去了 为了庆祝 从今天(米国时间 6月28日)到7月11日这段时间 注册PSN+会员 注册1年服务赠送3个月 注册3个月服务赠送1个月的服务 (That’s 15 months for the price of 12 (just over $3 per month) or 4 months for the price of 3 (less than $5 per month).
•More than 50 Free Games
•Over 100 Free DLC Items (Add-ons, Avatars, Themes)
•170+ Discounts
•Over 100 Exclusives and Early Access items
•$800+ in Savings
Thanks again for all of your feedback and dedication to the program. Here’s to more birthday celebrations as we continue to evolve the service for users to expand and enhance their gaming experience!

另外 神海3的多人demo已经在全球陆续开放 目前只针对PSN+会员以及购买了infamous2的同学 公众开放时间将在7月5日
游戏的一些模式将随时间陆续开发 具体如下:
1. June 28 to July 3 Gametypes:
Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Hardcore, Co-op Arena
Airstrip, Chateau
2. July 4 to July 9 Gametypes:
Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Team Objective, Hardcore, Co-op Hunter
Airstrip, Chateau
3. July 10 to July 14 Gametypes:
Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Hardcore, Co-op Adventure,
Co-op Arena
Airstrip, Yemen
不过可惜的是demo的记录不能在正式版中继承 不过惊喜的是 如果在demo中达到一定的成就 就可以在正式版中获得一些奖励 具体如下:
•Download the UNCHARTED 3 Beta and receive the exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar!
•Complete 10 matches in every mode of Competitive Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1!
•Complete 5 matches in every mode of Co-operative Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2!
•Complete 4 Treasure Sets and receive the Treasure Hunter’s Starter Pack!
•Rank up to level 25 in the Beta and receive a handsome reward of in-game cash on day one!
(demo中能达到的最高等级为25级) |