[360成就]Call Of Duty 5 ||使命召唤5 成就列表 |
成就解除难度: | 9/10 |
线下成就量: | 915G |
线上成就量: | 85G |
成就解除所需时间: | 200小时+(转生10次很费时间) |
所需通关次数: | 1-2次 |
可能错过的成就数 | 无 |
bug无法解除成就数 | 0个 |
秘籍启动对成就影响 | 无秘籍 |
短评 | 本作成就难度很高 主要老兵难度在广场的手雷雨让人抓狂,通过需要运气和不错的技术经验累积。
图标 | 名称 | 分数 | 解法 |
| Carlson's Raiders | 10G | Complete Semper Fi on any difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以任何难度完成Semper F) |
| Stormed Peleliu | 15G | Establish a beachhead on the island of Peleliu on any difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以任何难度在Peleliu岛上建立滩头阵地) |
| The Last Stand | 20G | Survive the land and air conflict surrounding Okinawa on any difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以任何难度在Okinawa的战斗中幸存) |
| Stabbed in the Heart | 20G | Complete all missions on the Eastern Front on any difficulty setting. (Solo only)(单机成就,以任何难度完成所有在东部战场上的战斗) |
| Get Your Hands Dirty | 30G | Complete Semper Fi on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Semper F |
| Saved Private Ryan | 10G | Save the soldier before he burns to death. (Solo or co-op)(合作或单机模式,拯救一名即将死亡的士兵) |
| Bloody Peleliu | 30G | Complete Little Resistance on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Little Resistance) |
| Weapon of Mass Destruction | 15G | Radio in a naval bombardment that kills at least 4 Japanese soldiers. (Solo or co-op)(合作或单机模式,用无线电呼叫我军海军进行掩护攻击,并炸死4名日军) |
| The Sword Is Broken | 30G | Complete Hard Landing on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)( 单机成就,以老兵难度完成Hard Landing) |
| No Safe Place | 15G | Burn an enemy out of a tree with the flamethrower in Hard Landing (Solo or co-op)( 合作或单机模式,在Hard Landing关卡中 用火焰喷射器将一名藏在树丛中的敌人烧出来) |
| Architect | 30G | Complete Vendetta on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only) (单机成就,以老兵难度完成'Vendetta) |
| The Professional | 15G | Shoot all of Amsel's henchmen,including their attack dog,without reloading. (Solo only)( 单机成就 在不换子弹的情况下将Amse将军所有的卫队成员和警犬全部射杀) |
| Gunslinger | 15G | Assassinate General Amsel with a pistol shot. (Solo only)( 单机成就,用手枪将Amse将军杀死) |
| The Hammer Strikes | 30G | Complete Their Land Their Blood on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Their Land Their Blood) |
| Scorched Earth | 30G | Complete Burn em Out' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成'Burn`em Ou) |
| Firestarter | 15G | Complete a mission using only the flamethrower,Melee,grenades & explosives are OK. (Solo or co-op)(单机成就,仅用火焰喷射器 爆炸物 手雷 以及徒手攻击完成一关) |
| Fearless | 30G | Complete Relentless on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)( 单机成就,以老兵难度完成Relentless) |
| Hell on Wheels | 30G | Complete Blood and Iron on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)( 单机成就,以老兵难度完成Blood and Iron) |
| Iron Fist | 15G | Destroy all towers and bunkers in Blood and Iron. (Solo or co-op)( 合作或单机模式 在Blood and Iron关卡中清理掉所有的机枪塔和暗堡) |
| No Return | 30G | Complete Ring of Steel on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Ring of Stee) |
| Ruthless | 15G | Kill 15 enemies while mounted on a tank in Ring of Steel. (Solo or co-op)( 合作或单机模式 在Ring of Steel关卡中在坦克中杀死15个敌人) |
| When It Rains,It Pours | 30G | Complete Eviction on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Eviction) |
| Shot in the Dark | 10G | Kill 10 enemies while the lights are out in the subway in Eviction (Solo or co-op)(合作或单机模式 在Eviction关卡中 在黑暗的状况下打死十名敌人) |
| One Bad Gato | 30G | Complete Black Cats on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Black Cats) |
| The Sum of All Zeros | 15G | Down 45 Japanese Zeros in Black Cats. (Solo only)( 单机成就,在Black Cats关卡中 击落日军45架零式战斗机) |
| Lights Out! | 10G | In Black Cats,blast out all of the spot lights in the Japanese cargo convoy. (Solo only)(单机成就,在Black Cats关卡中打碎日军货轮上的所有探照灯) |
| Blowtorch & Corkscrew | 30G | Complete Blowtorch & Corkscrew on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Blowtorch & Corkscrew) |
| Setting of the Sun | 30G | Complete 'Breaking Point' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(单机成就,以老兵难度完成Breaking Point) |
| Mortar-dom | 10G | Kill 8 Japanese with thrown mortars in Breaking Point. (Solo or co-op)( 合作或单机模式 在Breaking Point关卡中用迫击炮炸死8名日军) |
| Guardian Angel | 10G | In the final battle for Okinawa,save Sergeant Roebuck. (Solo or co-op)(合作或单机模式 在Okinawa决战中 救出Roebuck上士) |
| For the Motherland | 30G | Complete Heart of the Reich on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)( 单机成就,以老兵难度完成Heart of the Reich) |
| Bearing the Burden | 30G | Complete Downfall on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)( 单机成就,以老兵难度完成Downfall) |
| Rough Economy | 15G | Kill 3 enemies with a single bullet. (Solo or co-op)( 合作或单机模式用一颗子弹打死三名敌人) |
| Close Shave | 10G | Survive a Banzai attack. (Solo only)(单机成就, 在小日本的自杀性攻击中幸存) |
| Snake in the Grass | 15G | Take out a Japanese soldier while he is lying in wait in the grass. (Solo or co-op)(合作或单机模式 杀死一名在草丛中埋伏准备黑别人的日军) |
| Grave Robber | 15G | Collect all Death Cards in the game. (Solo only),(在游戏中收集所有的死亡卡片) |
| Kamikaze | 15G | Complete any level on Regular difficulty or higher using only melee and grenades. (Solo only)( 单机成就 在普通或更高难度下 仅用手雷和徒手武器完成一关) |
| Throw a Six and a Half | 15G | On Hardened or Veteran difficulty, complete a level without dying. (Solo only)(单机成就,在难或老兵难度下不死完成一关) |
| Purple Heart | 5G | When staring into the face of adversity, show courage and persevere(当你面对死亡的时候,不要惧怕,不要恐惧,check point有限公司将会为您竭诚服务-死亡20次完成任务) |
| War Hero | 40G | Complete the game on any difficulty. (Solo only)(以任意难度完成游戏) |
| Hardened War Hero | 100G | Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)(以难或者老兵难度完成游戏) |
| Get Your Left Foot Wet | 30G | Complete a match in Campaign Co-Op mode over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only)(线上合作完成战役模式) |
| Get Your Right Foot Wet | 30G | Complete a match in Competitive Co-Op mode over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only) (在线上完成竞争模式) |
| Blue Ribbon | 25G | Complete a 4-player Competitive Co-Op match in 1st place over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only)(在线上对战时以第一名完成竞争模式 至少四人) |
秘密成就 |
图标 | 名称 | 分数 | 解法 |
| It’s All about Prestige | 10G | 轉生 10 次. 每達到 Level 65 可轉生一次. |
| Go Get Some Sun | 0G | 轉生 1 次. 當達到 Level 65 可轉生一次 |