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发表于 2005-7-18 17:24:43
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<P><FONT size=2>Since the Evo4 and Evo5 has exactly the same driving line and cornering method,exit speeds will be in brackets, 1st number will be for Evo4 and 2nd for Evo5. If you guys get confused, the fastest one is for Evo4 of course <BR><BR>Here how it goes, Target Time: 3'02 Evo4 - 3'03 Evo5 APEX APPLIES ON ALL TURN the CPs times posted are for Evo5<BR><BR>CP1 - 44'826: <BR><BR>Shift properly and cut your line as much as possible, by the time you reach the white words stripe before the 1st corner you should be going at 131/130, if you're too slow you probably tapped the wall during ur line cutting. If you're going FASTER, that means your line is poor and you got to cut it even more, however this does not make a big difference on your time.<BR><BR>By the time you're on the white words stripe, you should be in the CENTER of the road. Right after the stripe ends, turn slighty to your left initiating a minor feint then downshift to 2nd gear and start braking massively for ~1 second. The timing and lenght of the braking will be adjusted by practice. <BR><BR>The 1st turn is hard to achieve at top speed because you'll be going in at high speed. After you braked down to around 78, upshift back to 3rd gear and exit turn at 4th at 85(86 can be done)/84. During your upshift to 3rd-4th, you car should be sliding and your front, facing the apex. It might looks that you'll be crashing into it, however since it's wet, the car will keep sliding foward avoiding any wall contacts. This sounds simple and so, however all this happens in ~2 seconds so practice will help increase the exit speed and improve the cornering line.<BR><BR>So now you should be heading towards the 2nd turn. When you engage the minor right, you should be going at 103/101. Then start braking on 4th gear then turn left early on. Same cornering line applies here than for the 1st turn. However during the 2nd turn you will downshift to 3rd gear wihile turning causing you rear to drift and increase cornering capability (like in Akagi and Akina). Exit speeds for 2nd turn are 82/80 with no wall contacts at all. Do not touch the wall even barely or you wont be able to reach 115 by CP1.<BR><BR>CP2 - 50'288 (All about the LINE):<BR><BR>After you cross CP1, downshift immediately to 3rd and start braking. When you have the minor left before the tight 3rd turn, release ur brake and turn right at maximum capacity. By going left and right you'll initiate another feint drift and your car should be exitting sideways at 75/73 with a minor wall tap. However if you speed went DOWN by 1-2 kms when you tapped the wall then your acceleration will be affected not greatly but it will have an impact.<BR><BR>The 2nd turn of CP2 can be taken in 4th gear for Evo4 and 3 > 4 gear for Evo5. Go on your right then brake down to 79/76 early then accelerate on your way out. It's an easy corner but you want to countersteer quickly to avoid your sliding rear to hit the back wall.<BR><BR>The 3rd turn will be engaged from the middle going in at 107/105. A bit before the small round curve on the turn's left side (people who played Iro a lot should know what I mean, it's a small curved line on the left apex before the turn) turn left a bit for another feint, downshift to 3rd gear and brake down to 70. Then right slighty to cause a drift then countersteer RIGHT AWAY on exit or you'll EAT the wall (I've seen CICI eat it many times ). Exit speed should be 77/74 clean with apex of course.<BR><BR>For the following turn, feint a bit early on, brake down to 83/80 and accelerate while turning left and exit at 87/85 and dont forget to countersteer quickly since it's wet since the rear is ALWAYS sliding.<BR><BR>The next turn will requiere a full feint. Go completely to your right and wait for the minor left. BEFORE the minor left, release gas, downshift to 3rd then brake just before turning right. Exit speeds are 83/80 and upshift while exiting.<BR><BR>For the next tight turn, you have the feint it a bit, downshift and exit at 79/77 clean. Some people might want to power it and get a lower exit, both ways work even thought the 1st one is a bit faster but implies more risk.<BR><BR>The 4th turn has to be engaged early. Right on the minor left, tap the brake and turn right at maximum capicity, countersteer at apex. Exit speeds are 87/86. After exit, you should be on the left side on the road.<BR><BR>For the final turn, keep on the left then before the turn, feint it, brake down to 83/81 and accelerate on apex. Exit speeds are 90/88.<BR><BR>CP3 - 45'836... theorical is 45'429 :<BR><BR>Before explaining, CP3 is known for giving weird and unexpected results in time because of all the lines and speed involved in the jumps.<BR><BR>The 1st turn doesnt need to be feinted, just stay on your left, downshift and brake early and exit at 86/84. Dont forget to countersteer quickly.<BR><BR>The following turn needs eraser technique + feint. Before the turn, there's a slight right, instead of turning, keep on going straight until you reach the left side of the turn. Then turn right, eraser, release gas (minor release) speed should be going down from 107/105 to 101/100. Then turn left as much as you can and countersteer on apex. You will be approaching very closely to the wall and if your eraser and feint was well timed you exit speeds should be 104/103. <BR><BR>The 1st jump is taken from the middle. A minor feint to your left, downshift to 2nd gear, turn right and upshift and press gas while you're IN the jump. Exit at 84/82 clean by being the closest to the jump apex. If you do not feint, you wont be able to reach those exit speeds with no wall contact.<BR><BR>The other 2 turns are taken in 3rd gear with early braking. <BR><BR>4 consecutives jumps:<BR><BR>I will just put all those jumps together. <BR><BR>1st jump is taken at lower speed, by then you should be going at 85, brake HARD for ~1 second while keeping the steering turned left but not completely. You'll sense your car drifting sideways in the jump, while you'll be in it, press gas. <BR><BR>You should exit in the middle line, then release gas and initiate a minor feint for the 2nd jump turning left > right.<BR><BR>3rd jump is similar to the 2nd with even more space to feint and a wide exit. However dont exit at high speed causing you to drift outwards and lose line for last and final jump. Exit for 3rd jump should be AT MOST middle line, left is best for engaging the final jump.<BR><BR>Final jump requieres no braking, only a gas release and accelerate IN the jump for an exit of 73 clean. You can allow yourself to tap the wall a bit but you mainly dont want this to happen.<BR><BR>For final turn, keep your right downshift and brake early, then turn left, countersteer and upshift. Exit at 85/83.<BR><BR>CP4 - 42'368:<BR><BR>If you've done everything mentionned above correctly, you dont want to mess this one up. However getting FULL acceleration for final straight requires no wall contact throught all CP4 which is hard to achieve.<BR><BR>For the 2 tights turns, stay on the left for the 1st one downshift to 2nd gear and brake. Turn at ~73 and upshift to 3rd at apex. Then turn maximum left RIGHT AWAY with a slight off throttle if you didnt get the perfect line. Exit at 84 and upshift on exit. Both turns are taken at apex dont if you miss it you'll suffer a bit of time.<BR><BR>After the left, you'll be approaching the final 4 turns.<BR><BR>1st one taken in 3rd at 77 and exit at 4th gear ~83.<BR>2nd one brake tap then downshift to 3rd and exit at 82/80, upshift a bit after.<BR>3rd one, eraser early on, then release gas, take the turn with your car sliding sideways front facing apex.<BR>4th one, downshift and brake down 76. Turn left and exit at 80. Upshift later.<BR><BR>FINAL turn: eraser early (if you want) then release gas and turn right. APEX IS CRUCIAL AND NO WALL CONTACT. Exit speeds: 92/90<BR><BR>Total: 3'03'318 Evo5 - 3'02'4xx Evo4 (if you manage to get those speeds)</FONT><BR></P> |