这一话前面讲的是北条豪和久保谈论小新的下坡技术,用了“在响尾蛇车队中他下坡是最快的”“不可思议”“超出理论”等形容,和拓海一样的特性,也不枉被称为“另一个天才”。久保认为Project D一定会败北。
vol.611 Another one natural (part2)
拓海の最終戦の相手は、もう1台の“ハチロク” Takumi's Final Race opponent, it is another "Hachiroku"
こうして見ている分にはスムーズなだけで…これといってインパクトはないんですがね…In this way, as long as it is seen with just smoothly (running)…Calling this, there is no impact, don't you think?…
それでもタイムを計れば、サイドワインダーのどのクルマよりも速く下ってしまうeven If the time is measured, it goes down faster than every car of Sidewinder
おまけにここのコース以外は走れないときてる…It is not possible to run excluding a course here
世の中には奇妙な素材がいるもんやな…。あんな子供がなぜこれほどの芸当を見につけたのか、不思議でならんわ…In the world of material things, I think that is strange...he is mysterious, and it isn't why you were able to be accompanied by such a child to watch such a trick
この世界では、常識とされているドラテクの理論とは別なところに存在するなにかや…。さすがのプロジェクトDもドぎも抜かれるで…Something that exists in place besides theory assumed to be common sense in this world...As expected, even project D could make a foolish mistake
しっしっし chichichi
あいつがR32を処分したらしい…。知り合いの業者が教えてくれた He seems to have disposed of R32. Acquaintance's trader taught.
あいつって凛さんのことか?Is he Rin?
そうさ…。何かきっかけであいつが変わったのかは、わからないがな…。死神GT-Rが箱根の峠に出没することは、もう二度とない…。どういう風のふきまわしかは知らないけど…。以前の職場に復職のねがいが出されているそうだ…by any chance did that fellow change by some opportunity, i don't know...god of death GT-R won't appear anymore on the mountain pass of Hakone. I heard that he wants the reinstatement in the former workplace.
現実へと帰還した北条凛。あの“死神”はもういない Rin HOJO returned to reality. That "God of death" doesn't exist any longer.
vol.612 "Elder brother and younger brother. "
over 下周休刊
例行剧透vol.610:again!86 VS 86!(46L更新)
神奈川第四战线战场——椿ラインTsubaki line |