下面是ROCK MUSIC的几个特点:
用心听了一部分歌,不一定多,但都有内心的感触.有渊博的知识,如:史学\地理学\文学\ 博古通今自然是个性最强的!!
摇滚到底是什么?不同的人有不同的见解.有人说摇滚就是一种年青人喜欢的很吵的音乐;有人说摇滚就是一种资本主义社会中很流行的音乐;有人说摇滚就是一种很酷的让人听了很想发泄出来的暴力音乐……说句实话,这个概念我都不是很能讲清楚讲明白.但是庄子说过:鱼儿并不知道水的存在,人们不知道什么是“道”。所以我也就心安理得的不知道什么是摇滚.可是我又很想为我钟爱的音乐辩护. 大多数摇滚都很吵,但是大多数吵闹的音乐不是摇滚. 为什么要做的这么吵呢?我认为这是生命力旺盛的表现,是要表达用浅吟低唱无法表达的感情。
有些摇滚艺人吸毒斗殴,他们都是流氓吗? 我不否认那些不健康的现象,但那绝不是摇滚人士的共同点和必然选择.如果你参加摇滚演唱会就会发现那些外表古怪的小伙子是爱好和平的.还有更多的摇滚听众没有什么穿着上的特点,在大街上你分辨不出来,也许只是一个忧郁的学生。摇滚是一种很酷的音乐吗?摇滚是很酷,但是除了酷它还有其他的一些东西.而我对此只想说一句话:摇滚音乐是摇滚的肉体,而摇滚精神才是摇滚的灵魂,这种精神就是一种揭示真相的精神.更重要的是它不会强迫你接受它的观点,只是还你一个真相.希望每个人都能尽自己的一份力.
总之, 摇滚不是吵闹,是释放自己和乐趣! 摇滚(Rock)的本意是“岩石”,关于它的起源,比较正统的说法是由于西方资本主义文明的腐朽,人们对现实不满又无法宣泄而产生。但是我的粗浅认识是这是流行音乐发展的一个必由阶段:我们熟悉的流行歌曲大部分是些情歌什么的,这些歌曲十分重视旋律性,事实上大部分歌曲只有精致细腻的旋律而无内容,这些旋律虽美,但是听多了难免让人烦,于是人们期望能有一种超越旋律束缚,能表现内容的音乐,摇滚乐就孕育而生.比如摇滚乐的主要表现手法,比如“噪音”,“失真”都是在故意的打破旋律.当然摇滚经过了几十年的发展,也出现了滑坡的想象.现在的摇滚音乐越来越崇尚个性,曲调刺耳,内容怪异,照我看来就是用前卫来掩饰自己的浅薄。
I Introduction
Rock Music, group of related music styles that have dominated popular music in the West since about 1955. Rock music began in the United States, but it has influenced and in turn been shaped by a broad field of cultures and musical traditions, including gospel music, the blues, country-and-western music, classical music (see Music, Western), folk music, electronic music, and the popular music of Asia, Africa, and Latin America (see Worldbeat). In addition to its use as a broad designation, the term rock music commonly refers to music styles after 1959 predominantly influenced by white musicians. Other major rock-music styles include rock and roll (also known as rock 'n' roll), the first genre of the music; and rhythm-and-blues music (R&B), influenced mainly by black American musicians (see African American Music). Each of these major genres encompasses a variety of substyles, such as heavy metal, punk, alternative, and grunge. While innovations in rock music have often occurred in regional centers—such as New York City; Kingston, Jamaica; and Liverpool, England—the influence of rock music is now felt worldwide.
II Musical Elements
The central musical instrument in most kinds of rock music is the electric guitar. Important figures in the history of this instrument include jazz musician Charlie Christian, who in the late 1930s was one of the first to play the amplified guitar as a solo instrument; Aaron Thibeaux “T-Bone” Walker, the first blues musician to record with an amplified guitar (1942); Leo Fender, who in 1948 introduced the first mass-produced solid-body electric guitar; and Les Paul, who popularized the instrument in the early 1950s with a series of technologically innovative recordings. Rock-and-roll guitarist Chuck Berry established a style of playing in the late 1950s that remains a great influence on rock music. Beginning in the late 1960s a new generation of rock guitarists, including Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Carlos Santana, experimented with amplification, feedback (a type of electronic sound distortion), and various electronic devices, extending the musical potential of the instrument.
Other instruments commonly used in rock music include the electric bass guitar (introduced by Fender in 1951); keyboard instruments such as the electric piano, organ, and synthesizer; and the drum set, an African American innovation that came into rock music from jazz and R&B music. Instruments that play important roles in certain rock-music genres include the saxophone—prominent in jazz-rock and soul music—and a wide assortment of traditional instruments used in worldbeat music. The microphone also functions as a musical instrument for many rock singers, who rely upon the amplification and various effects (such as echo) obtainable through electronic means.
Rock music also shares more complex technical aspects. Most rock music is based on the same harmonies as Western music, especially the chords known as tonic, subdominant, and dominant (see Harmony: Functional Chord Names). The chord progression (series of chords) known as the 12-bar blues is based on these chords and has figured prominently in certain styles, especially rock and roll, soul music, and southern rock. Other common harmonic devices include the use of a drone, or pedal point (a single pitch sustained through a progression of chords), and the parallel movement of chords, derived from a technique on the electric guitar known as bar-chording. Many elements of African American music have been a continuing source of influence on rock music. These characteristics include riffs (repeated patterns), backbeats (emphasizing the second and fourth beats of each measure; see Musical Rhythm: Pulse and Meter), call-and-response patterns, blue notes (the use of certain bent-sounding pitches, especially those related to the third and fifth degrees of a musical scale), and dense buzzy-sounding timbres, or tone colors.
The musical form of rock music varies. Rock and roll of the late 1950s relied heavily upon 12-bar blues and 32-bar song forms. Some rock bands of the late 1960s experimented with more flexible, open-ended forms, and some rock bands of the 1970s developed suite forms derived from classical music. Another important formal development in rock music has been the so-called concept album, a succession of musical pieces tied together by a loose narrative theme.
Much rock music is performed at high volume levels, so the music has been closely tied to developments in electronic technology. Rock musicians have pioneered new studio recording techniques, such as multi-tracking—a process of recording different song segments at different times and layering them on top of one another—and digital sampling, the reproduction by a computer of the patterns of a particular sound. Rock concerts, typically huge events involving thousands of audience members, often feature high-tech theatrical stage effects, including synchronized lighting.
Rock的力量不是Fuck的力量[067] |