白帝托孤 The last words of Liu-bei
败走麦城 The failure of Guan-yu
蔡文姬 A talent woman Cai-wenji
如沐春风,如饮甘醇 Zhou-yu was convinced by Chen-pu
赐座以待 Haughtiness of Shun-hao
盗嫂受金 Cao-cao attracted talents
得陇望蜀 Insatiable
我负天下人 Cao-cao's escape
缚虎须紧 Caution to a caught tiger
股肥伤神 Liu-bei's sadness to idleness
顾影自怜 Chinese Narcissus
刮目相看 Look at sb. with new eyes
鸡肋 Insipid foods
集思广益 Draw on the wisdom of the masses
奸雄 Derivation of Cao-cao's nickname
建安风骨 The poetic style of Cao's family
居外而安 Kong-ming advised Liu-qi
鞠躬尽粹 Spare no effort in
鞠躬尽粹 Spare no effort in
砍桌誓师 Sun-quan's resolution
孔融 The end of Kong-rong
髡刑治军 Cao-cao's tricks for strict laws
乐不思蜀 Indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty
司马昭之心,路人皆知 The trick is open
纳张绣 Cao-cao's tolerance
青梅煮酒 Cao-cao talked with Liu-bei about Hero
铜雀台 Copper Bird Pavilion
荀粲 Xun-can's grief
引狼入室 Liu-bei got Shu by tricks
指囷相赠 Zhou-yu met Lu-su
生子当如孙仲谋 Cao-cao admired Sun-quan
刘备 The Lord of Virtue
关羽 The God of Battle
张飞 The Strength
诸葛亮 The Wizard of Fortune
赵云 The Blue Dragon
马超 The Justice Avenger
黄忠 The Shooting Star
魏延 Murder in the Battlefield
庞统 Intellectual Black Bird
姜维 Gallant Unicorn
董卓 The Demonic Ruler
吕布 Violence Hurricane
貂蝉 The Fatal Lady
张角 Miracle Sorcerer
袁绍 The Sword of Honor
孟获 The King of Woods
祝融 The Empress of Blaze
月英 Mrs. Moonlight
曹操 The Majestic Premier
司马懿 Brain of The Darkness
夏侯敦 Mighty Commander
夏侯渊 The Swift Vanguard
张辽 The Prussian Blue Trooper军
徐晃 The White Knight
张合 Dance of The Deadly Butterfly
曹仁 The Heavy Metal Matador
许诸 The Silent Tiger
典韦 The Loyal Body-Guards
甄姬 The Violet Queen
孙坚 The Lion-Hearted King
孙策 The Red Cyclone
孙权 Deep Green Eyes
孙尚香 The Angel of Wrath
周瑜 Passion of Crimson
黄盖 Gentle Heart Cyclops
吕蒙 Stormy Warrior
陆逊 Sonic Swallow
甘宁 The Courageous Brawler
太史慈 The Rising Thunderbolt
周泰 The Silent Fencer
大乔 The Innocent Mermaid
小乔 The Angelic Doll