vol.598 understeer
墜とせないのか…これだけ攻めても…涼介… not severely damaged or ...This attack can only ...
Ryosuke ...
みかけによらず愚直な男だ…。逃げずにうけとめてくれているというわけか…An honest man, regardless of apparent....Do you take it without escaping
何のために…。誰のためだ… why...For whom...
I'm so overwhelmed that got on my nerves ...! ! Stop it now ... ...! ! (ikeda speech lol)
そんな情報、どこから?Is it such information, somewhere?
その状況でなぜアクセルをふんでいる!?why i step on on the accelerator!?
涼介くんの夢って何?What is Ryosuke-san dream? (Kaori appears in this chapter)
To be a good doctor? It's nice ... I admire ...
夢とはいわないよ…。とても現実的な目標だと思う…。男のヒトには夢があっていいと思う…。I don't say the dream...I think that it is a very realistic aim...i think about human being dream...
私..? me..?
女の子はちがうんだよ girls are different
現実的な目標だけで生きていけるから i can live only for realistic goal
夢を追うのは、男のヒトだけの特権だと思う I think that it is a privilege for man to chase his dream.
ずっと好きなヒトのそばにいてHuman stay with you like always
かたわらでずっとそれを見ていれたらいいのに I wish to see it all the way beside
涼介v.s.死神?香織!Ryosuke v.s . god of death and Kaori
the last words of ryosuke
夢…か…... I dream ...
The climax
涼介と死神、命がけのバトルはついに最終局面に! Ryosuke and Death god, The final phase of the desperate battle !
next issue : 02/10 vol.599 understeer (part. 2)
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