本帖最后由 ThanatosYe 于 2010-10-19 17:00 编辑
vol.605 "end" (part.2)
涼介の「最後の公道バトル」が終わった....。[the last public road battle] of Riyosuke was over.....
して“死神”と呼ばれた男が語るのは…!?And, a man who was called "God of death" talks.
いくら考えても答えは出なかったし、ただ苦しかった。The answer did not go out and was painful no matter how thought.
いつも自分を責めるだけで…Just to always blame yourself
眠れない夜がはてしなく続いた。A white night continued endlessly.
ネガティブなイメージだけがふくらんでいくんだ…Only a negative image swells.
おそらく、誰にも話すことなくひとりで抱えてきた苦しい想い。Perhaps, painful desire that has been held alone without speaking to nobody.
それを凛たんは吐き出します。 Ri-san discharges it.
けれど次の言葉から、彼の心境の変化が表されます。The change of his state of mind is expressed by the following words
だけど今夜…おまえと走って何かがふっきれた気がする…However, i feel like having been able to give something up with ... you on the run tonight
おまえもオレと同じ苦しさをかかえている…それがよくわかったんだ…You also are holding the same painful with me … It has been understood well.
すまなかったな、涼介。Sorry ryosuke
おまえには感謝している。I thank you.
無視しようと思えばそうすることもできたのに…Though it was possible to do so if it will disregard it …
おまえは来てくれた…。You came to me ....
おまえと走れてオレも満足だ…。i could to run with you and I am also satisfied,
心からそう言える… i could say it so sincerely.
疲れているから交代した Because I was tired, we switch (let matsumoto drives FC)
それにしてもまあ…大事な車がスリキズだらけですね…Well Anyway ...An important car is only a score mark
すまんな…やむにやまれぬ事情でね…It is ..ending.. … It ..finishing..Sleepng by unavoidable circumstances
キズのひとつひとつを見れば…If you see each one of the scars …
どれほど過酷な局面をくぐりぬけてきたのか想像はつきますよ…。how much severe phase or the imagination attaches has been gone through
あえて多くは言いません。Dare not say more.
よく無事でもどってくれましたよ、おつかれさまです…It is tiredness thank you to return safely
ひとことつけくわえましょうか…さすがは高橋涼介…とAs it's expected, with Ryosuke Takahashi ...
それは、故人もこの世に想いを残して亡くなった…ということだろう。故人が成仏する為には、生き残った者が供養することが大切だ。と言っても、身内ではないお二方に、一周忌などの法事を何度も営めというわけにもいかない。だが、幸いわが寺には、そういう色欲に迷った者達でも救われるというありがたいお経がある。これは秘儀であるから、余人に知らせることは禁じられ、修法を行った僧侶が口外する事は絶対無い。The deceased leaves thought in the world, too, and died... It is important that the person who survived holds a service so that the deceased enters Nirvana. It can't be said that I run Buddhist memorial services such as the one round mourning many times in the two ways that aren't a relative, though. But, fortunately, there is the sutra that I am thankful for that is saved with the people captivated by such a lust in my temple. Because this is a hidden ritual, that I tell other people is forbidden, and there is never what the priest who performed incantation tells.
その秘儀とは…?Is the hidden ritual …?
それで香織が浮かばれるというなら、オレはそれでいい。…涼介もいいなThus I am happy if Kaori rests in peace. ... Ryosuke too
The relation to senpai who i held in high esteem came to a rupture after i fell in love with the fiance of senpai who held in high esteem without knowing it, and she chose dying by circumstances of the family, and the thing was caught to the mind for a long time. On the other hand, it concluded it by doing battle.
Because as a leader of the team I am a standpoint where two drivers are sent out to the fight… Real in the front if it is necessary to understand any time. It is scared that the part grows dim. Final Race was confirmed and it will take place the most risky stage in the Kanagawa area.
next title vol.606 "Anxiety"