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关于《The Last of Us》,这是我们目前所知道的一切。


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发表于 2011-12-15 11:11:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 |          

The Last of Us的c初步片已经正式的在VGA上被制作了成功的神秘海域系列工作组Naughty Dog所公开,我们觉得这个游戏的特征会像是一个老男人和一个青春期女孩他们试图在一个全新的后启示录世界生存下去。
The Last of Us has officially been unveiled care of the VGAs as Naughty Dog’s next game following its successful Uncharted series. Based on the trailer, we think the game will likely feature an older man and a young teenage woman as they try to survive in newly created post-apocalypse world.

The first footage shown about the game was a montage of riot footage as a male narrator reminisced about a time when you could watch football on TV and enjoy barbecue. He ends his narration with, “Just one peaceful night. A clean conscience. All gone.” Something really bad must have happened.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c ... ure=player_embedded

下一个视频就比上一个有意思多了。一些视频被发在了游戏的官方网站上,一个类似是正在神经痉挛的蚂蚁,紧接着一个蘑菇从它脑袋里长出来了。有趣的是这个镜头是从BBC的一段叫做Planet Earth的录像当中截取的。这段录像讲述的是一个叫做 Cordyceps 的真菌传染效果。我们过后再讨论这个。
The next hint offered got a little bit more interesting. Some footage was posted on the game's official website of an ant throwing some sort of fit, and growing a fungus out of his head. The internet realized that the footage of the ant was taken from a BBC documentary called Planet Earth discussing the effects of a parasitic fungus called Cordyceps. We’ll talk more about that later.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X ... e=player_embedded#!

当然在神秘海域3里也有一个彩蛋透露了The Last of Us。在游戏的开篇,你能找到一个头条写着“科学家依旧迷惑在死亡蘑菇上”的报纸。(译者:说实话,谁玩的时候注意到了....)
It was also revealed that Uncharted 3 contained an Easter egg for The Last Of Us. In the opening level of the game, you can find a newspaper with the headline, “Scientists are still struggling to understand deadly fungus.”

Finally, the VGAs showed us the first true footage of the game and things started clicking. This was a game that takes place years after something has ravaged the human race. We see the man and a young woman battling against what appears to be normal humans over supplies, as well as terrifying humanoid creatures who seem have some sort of fungus growing from their heads.

我们知道这个世界不是在遭到毁灭那天后太久的日子。Ellie,那个在预告片里做旁白的女孩在结尾说“他告诉我那几个曾经拥挤的街区的人们是怎样继续他们的生活的” 如果那个男人能够有一些关于正常世界的记忆的话,那么无论是否一切都改变了,但最差的是这不是发生很久。这个潜在的叙事结构让我们想起了Cormac McCathy’s的小说 The Road。 一本和电影版本都是描述一个男人保护他的儿子,在世界末日发生之前诞生的儿子。
We know the world can’t have been in ruin for too long. Ellie, the young girl in the trailer narrates the end by saying, “He tells me how these streets were crowded with people just going about their lives.” If the older man has memories of a normal world, then whatever changed everything for the worse could not have been very long ago. This potential narrative structure is reminiscent of Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road. That book and its film version features a man protecting his son, who was born before an apocalyptic event occurred.

There are few concrete details that can be drawn from the trailer, but there are many educated assumptions that can be made based on the few hints offered to the internet before the reveal.

这里就能得解释一下这个Cordyceps寄生真菌是从哪来的了。根据BBC的Planet Earth,这寄生z真菌似一种对寄生昆虫产生极大可怕影响,并且确实有一些相同效果会发生在人类身上的。在视频当中的是一只非常正常的蚂蚁。当他们被Cordyceps寄生蘑菇感染后,他们开始有些疯癫并且他们被感染的大脑指示他们爬到一些茎脉上并附着在上面。一旦当他们达到合适的高度,这些真菌开始杀死蚂蚁长出来,几周后和持续生长。这些真菌会从蚂蚁的身体里长出来,并且生长处一些孢子并且全面的覆盖整个蚂蚁。这些蚂蚁开始就显示出非常的独特,当感染到这些真菌后的行为十分容易被辨别出来。如果有通知,健康的蚂蚁会将从他们的殖民地当中移除这些僵尸蚂蚁并且隔离起来以确保感染不会扩散。僵尸蚂蚁只是更形象的来描述那些被感染的蚂蚁,还有别以为这听起来十分牛逼就认为是我瞎编的,这没有我瞎编的。(译者,我他妈翻译的时候也觉得这蚂蚁太牛逼了。一直觉得是不是作者胡编的)
This is where the Cordyceps fungus comes into play. According to Planet Earth, the Cordyceps fungus has all kinds of terrifying effects on insect life, and there are even some positive effects on humans. The ant featured in the above video is a bullet ant. When these ants become infected with the Cordyceps fungus, they go crazy and their infected brains force them to climb and attach themselves to stems. Once they have reached the appropriate height, the fungus takes over killing the ant and grows over the course of three weeks. The fungus will grow from the body of the ant, and explode into infectious spores that have been known to wipe out entire colonies of ants. The ants begin exhibiting very specific, recognizable behaviors when infected with the fungus, and if noticed, healthy ants will remove these zombie ants from the colony placing them far away in a sort of quarantine in order to prevent widespread infection. Zombie ant is the actual term used to describe the infected ants, and not one I made up because it sounded awesome.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X ... ure=player_embedded

In nature, this fungus is in place to prevent any one insect species from overtaking the others. There are thousands of types of the Cordyceps fungus, each focusing on one species of insect and keeping it in check just in case things were ever to get out of hand like us human beings have. The fungus looks radically different for each species, which means there is already a built in visual identifier for the video game purposes of creating different enemy types afflicted with the Cordyceps fungus.

这些真菌并没有对人类有所效果,至少没在真实世界里有。其实,这个Cordyceps真菌被发现并且用于人类身体健康上。在1993年,一个中国女性运动员团体打破五个世界记录在奥林匹克接力跑上。这些运动员就是依据教练的话服用一些caterpillar真菌(又叫Cordyceps 真菌)。没有任何科学家能够证明那些真菌真的起到了绝对性提高了女性的生理机能,但一些其他非法物质被发现。我猜可能是Cordyceps,因为听上去会比较牛逼。
The fungus does not affect humans in this way, at least not in the real world. In fact, the Cordyceps fungus has been shown to possess health benefits for humans. In 1993, a group of female ** athletes broke five world records in distance running at the Olympics. The athletes were taking doses of caterpillar fungus (another name for the Cordyceps fungus) according to their coach. There is no scientific proof that the fungus was directly involved in increasing the physical prowess of these women though, and many were found guilty of other illegal substances. I’m guessing it was the Cordyceps though, because that would be awesome.

这些Cordceps真菌也一直被用在医疗方面。发现能够治愈和保护肝组织的损坏,并且被用于抗抑郁药,还可用于帮助人的胰岛素方面,还有最近发现用于能够帮助对抗癌症。这把我们带向一部叫做 I Am Legend的电影。在电影是根据小说改变,瘟疫感染世界并让维尔·史密斯成为最后一个人类并活在一个认为癌症已经被医治的结果导致了可怕并扭曲的世界。电影和这个游戏展现出来的艺术风格十分相似,而且Cordyceps确实在现实世界被用作一种可能对抗癌症的物质的相似的故事主线。
The Cordyceps fungus is used medicinally as well. It has been shown to help with protection from liver damage, used as an anti-depressant, may benefit people with an insulin resistance, and recently have even been used to help fight cancer. This brings us to the movie I Am Legend. In the film adaptation of the novel, the plague infecting the world leaving Will Smith to be one of the last humans alive was the result of a cancer cure gone horribly awry. That film and this game have been shown to share a similar art style, and the Cordyceps being used in the real world as a possible cancer cure definitely could lead to similar storytelling.

那么,这些对于The Last of Us来说都是什么意思呢? 一个相似的被污染的并且已被摧毁的世界,还有你和零星几个幸存者。我们能够假定这感染是来自真菌并且是通过空气传播的这种典型细菌传染方式并且感染者全部是对立的,很想其他僵尸游戏。我们还能狗假定这真菌在游戏里不是Cordycep,也可能是其他编造出来的相似自然物。反正,效果是差不多相似的,
So, what does this all mean for The Last of Us? An infection of some kind has ravaged the world, and you are one of the few survivors. We can assume that the plague is fungal and spreads via airborne spores as opposed the typical viral infections seen in other zombie games. We can also assume that if the fungus in the game is not the Cordycep itself, it's something that acts in a similar nature. Well, similar to how it affects jungle insects, anyway.

There are thousands of different types of Cordyceps fungi, meaning there will probably be all kinds of different types of enemy infected. We can also assume that all the enemies will be very happy (anti-depressant), super human (we saw what it supposedly did for those Olympic athletes), strong livered (see above), beasts perfectly capable of eating sugary sweets (see above again). But in all seriousness, the varying ways the Cordyceps fungus manifests itself in jungle insects visually and mechanically could point to some intriguing game design. We've only discussed the fungus' affect on humans and insects, but there is also the possibility of the game including fungal-infected dogs, birds, fish, zoo animals, and all other sorts of mushroom-laden threats to combat.

目前唯一遗留下来的问题就是这个男人和Ellen Page看上去是免疫这真菌的感染的? 这个男人向一个被感染体射击,当然是冲着镜头射击那段,最少后来我们看到他们没有丝毫被感染的迹象。也许是免疫的,又也许解释了他们为什么要全速的逃离那栋大楼。也许他们需要躲避在孢子污染的区域呼吸。
The only question that remains is, are the older man and the Ellen Page look-a-like immune to the fungus? The older man shoots one of the spore-infected creatures at point blank range, and at least in the course of the trailer did not seem to succumb to the sickness. Maybe they are immune, or maybe that explains why they bolted out of the building at full speed. Perhaps they needed to avoid breathing in the spores.

这匆匆第一瞥,看来Naughty Dog也不能免俗僵尸题材。反正,如果你能挖的更深和看清更多线索的话,也许我们能看到一些非常不同的事情。
At first glance, it seems like Naughty Dog is offering its own take on the zombie genre. However, if you dig a little deeper and look at the clues, we could be in for something very different.
(译者用google硬翻译的话,Cordyceps fungus就是所谓西藏的冬虫夏草...不过和文章所讨论的感染型真菌还是有所区别。本人翻译能力有限,如各位发现问题,请指出,谢谢。)

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