Palm trees cast lacy contours against a star-speckled sky in Coromandel Forest Park, New Zealand. Sprawled across 180,387 acres (73,000 hectares) in northeastern New Zealand, Coromandel Forest Park is home to stunning vistas: luxuriant forests, velvety fields, gnarled volcanoes, and rushing rivers.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "The Case of the Missing Carbon," February 2004, National Geographic magazine)
Photograph by Peter Essick

A paraglider casts a shadow over the dunes of Niger's Ténéré desert. A south-central tract of the Sahara, the 150,000-square-mile (400,000-square-kilometer) Ténéré is one of Africa's most forbidding regions. Hot, dusty harmattan winds blow across the bone-dry desert, which receives an annual rainfall of about 1 inch (25 millimeters).
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Journey to the Heart of the Sahara," March 1999, National Geographic magazine)

Easter Island, 1979
Photograph by Gordon Gahan
Giant stone moai stand on Easter Island's stony slopes. Earlier explorers believed the stone statues were worshipped as gods by native Polynesians, but Captain James Cook and his men speculated in 1774 that they were constructed to honor ancestors, a view still held by many today. (Text adapted from and photograph from the National Geographic book Voyages to Paradise: Exploring in the Wake of Captain Cook, 1981)
意译:主标题:复活节岛,1979 巨石雕像竖立在耶稣复活节岛的石斜坡面,最早的探险家认为石雕像是本土玻利维亚人们崇拜神灵而作,但是一位船长厨师和其他人,在1774年推测是为了尊敬他们的祖先。这一景观持续到今天。

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