★注意: 登入帳號的PS4控制器和PS3搖桿會"同時"擁有操作。 另外PS4控制器必須保持登入帳號,如果PS4控制器因為沒電而登出的話,PS3搖桿也會失效。 二個玩家時:
5.玩家1進入Versus Mode(對戰模式)。
★注意: 登入帳號的PS4控制器和PS3搖桿會"同時"擁有操作。 另外PS4控制器必須保持登入帳號,如果PS4控制器因為沒電之類的原因而登出的話,PS3搖桿也會失效。
For who wants to use PS3 stick on PS4 USF4, follow the steps below: For one player: – Power up the PS4.
– Use a PS4 controller to sign into an account or the guest account.
– Load up USFIV.
– Once the game is loaded, plug the PS3 stick of your choice into the other USB slot and the stick should now function.
– Please note that:
the PS4 controller will also control the character even though the PS3 stick is plugged in.
the PS4 controller used to sign in must remain synched to the PS4. If it loses power or connectivity, the joystick will become deactivated. For two players: – Power up the PS4.
– Use a PS4 controller to sign into an account or the guest account.
– Load up USFIV.
– Once the game has loaded, player 1 should unplug the PS4 controller, yet ensure that it remains synched and plug in a PS3 stick of choice into one of the vacant USB slots. It should now function.
– Player 1 should head to versus mode.
– Once at the selection screen, Player 2 will then have to sign into another account or a guest account.
– Once signed in, Player 2 should then press the “option” button to join versus mode.
– Player 2 should now be able to move around the selection screen.
– Once this is completed, player 2 should unplug in the PS4 controller, yet ensure that it remains synched and plug in a PS3 stick of choice into one of the vacant USB slots. The stick should now function.
– Please note that:
the PS4 controllers will also control the characters even though the PS3 sticks are plugged in.
the PS4 controllers used to sign in must remain synched to the PS4. If either loses power or connectivity, the corresponding joystick will become deactivated.