本帖最后由 lard 于 2015-8-3 22:32 编辑
集结吧!各位街霸玩家! Assemble all the street fighters! 七月26日下午2点,什刹海肆角餐吧,我们不见不散!
注:1. 比赛平台为PS3;
2. 赛制为双败制,抢2;
3. 现场提供四个摇杆(疯猫一个,拳霸一个,Hori一个,杂牌一个),支持自带摇杆:
4. 更多信息请扫码,或者致电:18701658842 Rick刘
Battle in Beijing Rules 京-斗比赛规则 Game Format赛制: 99 Seconds / 2 out of 3 rounds/ Best of 3 MatchesDouble Elimination (See addendum for more information) 每局99秒,三局两胜制,双败淘汰赛制(详见附录)
Glossary名词解释: Rounds局– Every game is played to the first to 2 rounds每局比赛为抢二局(BO2) Match盘–Every time a player wins 2 rounds first, they win the match先赢两局者为赢得本盘比赛 Set轮–The first player to win 2 Matches first wins the Set先赢两盘者为赢得本轮比赛
Rules规则: 1. Competitors can only use the Ultra version ofCharacters 比赛选手只能使用终极版本的角色. 2. Competitors may switch characters ONLY if theylost the previous match. (Note: in Grand Finals if the Competitor in the Losersbracket successfully wins the first set, they may change characters for thesecond set) 只有在比赛选手本人先输一盘的情况下,才可以更换角色(注:总决赛时,如果败者组选手成功赢得第一轮比赛,双方可以在第二轮开始前更换角色) 3. Ultra can be changed regardless of the previousmatch’s outcome 无论上一盘比赛结果如何,都可以选择使用不同的UC。 4. Matches that end in a draw arereplayed 平局视为0-0,重新比赛。 5. Technical issues must be reported immediately tothe judges as they occur. If they are reported after the match concludes thematch outcome will be maintained. 出现技术问题请立即告知裁判,若赛后告诉裁判,比赛结果将维持不变 6. In the event of a match stoppage due to a pauseor pressing the home button, the Competitor who caused the stoppageautomatically forfeits that match.If you have any confusion about these buttons on a provided stick please notifya judge! 由于按下暂停键或者home键等所造成的比赛中止,造成比赛中止的选手视为自动放弃本盘比赛。若对于主办方提供的摇杆键位不清楚,请告知裁判。 7. Competitors have 5 minutes from when your name iscalled to get to the game station. Staff will do everything in their power tofind the Competitor, but if 5 minutes elapses the missing Competitor forfeitsthat Set (If you’re in Winners you will be sent to Losers and if you’re inLosers you will be eliminated) 比赛选手被点名后,有五分钟的时间到达比赛场地。工作人员将尽力找到比赛选手,但是五分钟过后未出现者,则视为比赛选手自动放弃比赛(若比赛选手在胜者组,自动被降至败者组,若在败者组,视为被淘汰) 8. Be Respectful of other Competitors and Property ifyou feel there has been any rule violations, report to the Judges IMMEDIATELY 尊重比赛选手,爱护场地。若发现有任何违规行为,请立即告知裁判!
Addendum附录: A. Please be aware - Due to the number of entrants,the tournament may overrun the initially allotted time. 请注意-鉴于参赛人数较多,赛程可能会超出预计时间。 B. DoubleElimination Definition – This tournament is run with 2 brackets (Winners andLosers). All Competitors start in the Winners bracket. If you lose a Set whilein Winners you will continue to play in the Losers Bracket and then if you losethere you will be eliminated from the tournament. Grand Finals will take placebetween the winner of Losers Finals and the winner of Winners Finals. Thecompetitor in the Losers bracket must win 2 Sets in order to win thetournament. 双败赛制-比赛分为两组(胜者组和败者组)。所有比赛选手开始都在胜者组,若输掉一轮比赛,将留在败者组继续进行比赛,若在败者组再输掉一轮比赛,将被淘汰。总决赛将在胜者组的总冠军和败者组的总冠军之间进行。败者组冠军必须连赢两轮才能赢得比赛。
比赛赛果:1. 李军
2. 小彭
3. 李鲁平
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTI5OTczNTQ0NA==/v.swfBiB1 京-斗1 Top8八强 李军VSZangibun
BiB1京-斗1_Top8八强_Mike VS 小彭
BiB1京-斗1_Top8八强_苏彬 VS 王陆
BiB1京-斗1_Top8八强_小鱼 VS 李鲁平
BiB1京-斗1_Top8八强_Mike VS 苏彬
BiB1京-斗1_Top8八强_Zangibun VS 李鲁平
BiB1京-斗1_Top8八强_苏彬 VS 李鲁平
BiB1京-斗1_Top8_WS胜者组决赛_李军 VS 小彭
BiB1京-斗1_Top8_GF总决赛 小彭 VS 李军
BiB1京-斗1_Top 8_LS败者组决赛_小彭 VS 李鲁平